Thursday, February 28, 2008

Snap... Crakle...Pop... *KABOOM*

Stace told me that I should write about my recent experience on the blog, just in case anyone else might be interested.

Well, it had been a dark raining night and I had to get up early the next day to go to work. I woke up about 5:45 and got ready to go to work. Madi had been our room twice that night and so I really didn't get a lot of sleep. The reason I tell you this is that Madz was on our floor when I got up and got ready for work and so she ended up on my side of the bed when I left.

When I left for work the roads were dry and the rain had stopped but the clouds were coming, so I knew that it would be raining soon.

After about five minutes into my ride I was riding my bike down the road and out of the top side of my perferoial vision I saw a lightening bolt come out of the sky and it looked like it was heading right at me! So much so that I flinched and turned so I didn't actually see what it hit. However, before it hit the (I think) telephone pole that was right next to me I felt the static electricity in the air. I felt like I had been running around the house on the carpet rubbig my socks as I moved and I was about ready to stick my finger by an outlet. Then I heard the loudest boom I have ever heard. I almost jumped off my bike!

Needless to say, my heart was beating very fast for the next 10 minutes but it finally calmed down. And it happened so fast that it almost seems like dream now, but I can honestly say that this was the closest I have ever come to being hit by lightening! I can't say that I would wish it on anyone.

When I got home Stace said, "This morning when you were going to work did you hear that loud boom of thunder?" It was so close and so loud that Madz jumped out of bed while she was lieing next to me! When I told her about my experience she said that she actually worried a little about me having been hit! Good to know someone cares about me!!! Ha ha!


CindyS said...

That is really scarey Kev! My brother got struck by lightening on his mission in Guatemala. He was sitting on a metal bed in a house with a metal roof. He and his comp both had burn marks where the lightening went out of their bodies (feet and legs) but nothing life threatening. It wasn't a fun experience so I am so glad that you weren't hurt!

Lisha said...

I think everyone in the neighbourhood heard that one! Thank goodnes you weren't hit. Did you happen to be on Ray rd near Midson rd roundabout, as my friends' neighbour's roof was hit by that lightening strike? Spooky!

elder mcdonough said...

scary ride i am sure it is one you won't be forgetting any time soon. glad to hear you still have all your parts

Stacy said...

Lisha - that really is spooky. That is exactly where he was. He thought it hit higher up like a light pole - but a roof! That is closer to his head. Scary!!

Travis said...

Thats cool. I'm glad you didn't get hit, and that you are okay, but that is still really cool. If I remember correctly when Robert was at Hunter they were outside for a fire drill once and lightning struck the flag pole. I've never had close encounters like that, but I love a good thunder storm up in the high Uintahs, there is nothing like it.


Amy said...

I am so glad that Kevin is okay! Is your hair lying flat on your head yet? haha
The Burnhams

Mari said...

Wow.... sounds like a close call. Glad Kevin is ok!

Carli said...

Very interesting reading about your near-light experience Kevin. I would have turned home and had the day off to recover!