Thursday, January 7, 2010


There is the hollowed out remains of an old light house in Jervis Bay. I found the story quite amusing. Long ago it was determined that a lighthouse was needed to help the ships and guide them on their way. The man in charge didn't ask any seamen the best place to put a lighthouse, he just built it in the easiest spot. Needless to say, the ships continued to crash into the rocks below and were not guided safely into the bay. The lighthouse should have been built on the other side. Soon another lighthouse was built and the Cape St. George lighthouse was turned off never to be lit again. However, when the moon light shone on the lighthouse the rocks sparkled and shined so the ships were confused. It was then decided that this once majestic lighthouse should be turned to rubble. That is what it is today - a shell of it's old self.
This is where I spent my birthday morning in 2009.
The views were amazing!
Rylee loved all the little rocks around and the puddle she found to throw them in.
On the way down the dirt trail to the parking lot there was a side trail. The signs told us to stick to the trails because there were sheer cliffs. This trail ended at the edge - with no fence mind you. I was a bit nervous and told the kids not to get to close.
This is what I found in the pictures when we got home....
...apparently their dad's idea of too close to the edge and mine are two different things.

1 comment:

mintifresh said...

Even though it looks scary, that is a great picture! That's a beautiful place!