Last year a friend of ours sent us these pictures of a spider eating a bird (I went and found them on YouTube so you can see them):
I think my brother sent me the same pictures and was wondering if they were really true. Now we knew moving here that Australia has a lot of spiders, many of which are poisonous, so I didn't doubt that it was true. So far the biggest spider I have seen in a huntsman. That is until I went to Queensland. We saw one of those spiders that people had sent pictures of, and golden orb spider.
We saw it at the Aboriginal gift and tour shop right before we got to Mossmon's Gorge. The lady running the shop asked us if we had seen it coming in and then proceeded to show it to us. The kids thought it was creepy, but cool, until they saw the dog that was roaming around the shop. Saurus soon became their best friend.
It is a bit hard to see, but there is a little spider under the belly and by the bottom leg of the spider. That is the male. Can you believe how small it is in comparison to the female? I wonder if they eat them after they mate...poor fellow. On the way out I noticed another one in the trees right along the path way - although it was only about 3/4 the size.
Eeewwwww. It's for sure-I'm never moving to Australia!
When I was going to Uni, I used to clean a few houses for cash. One of the houses I cleaned had gum trees that came close to their balcony. Those spiders spun their sticky yellow web from the tree to the house.
I was expected to clean them away. Every week.
I have never forgotten it.
I hated those thick, sticky webs, with those giant spiders...Uuuurrgghh!
Great photo though Stacy!
Holy Crap! That is not an insect, that is an animal! I am amazed you got as close as you did! Amazing!
YUCK, I got the chills, even before the picture finished appearing. And reading Lisha's comment I did again, Oh gross, glad I live here and not there
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