Thursday, January 21, 2010


Well summer holidays are coming to an end.

I have been thinking a lot about what I used to do during my summer break - which was three months long and I am still not sure how my mom survived that.

I remember going outside, after chores were done of course, and playing all day long.
I was so tan by the end of the summer because I just stayed outside all day - some days in my swimming suit the entire day.
My friend Karina and I would build huts in the field by her house.
My friend Maria and I would jump on her trampoline, singing Grease songs at the top of our lungs, and creating our own dance moves.
There were sleep overs and bike rides.
We would put the sprinkler under my friend Kori's trampoline and jump and cool off.
We had our own beauty pageants at Kristi's house and I remember practicing until my talent was just right.
My brothers and I created our own circus in our backyard a few summers in a row.
We had a tight rope walker - Robert on the top of the swing set.
Synchronized swimmers in our little plastic pool.
A lion tamer - I think Travis was the lion.
And so much more!
We made our own ticket booth out of a huge cardboard box.
Popped popcorn and baked cookies to sale.
We would play baseball in the church parking lot across the street during the day, and kick the can or spotlight tag at night.
We played tag and stuck in the mud in the backyard. Along with colored Easter eggs.
We built cities in the sand box and filled it with water.
This caused us on more than one occasion to get hosed off with cold water.
We picked peas in the early morning light and ate fresh veggies all summer long.
We just headed outside to see who could play and let the adventures begin.
Summer holidays seem different for my kids.
You have to schedule play dates with friends because everyone is just too busy.
"Screen time" has to be limited so kids will just go outside and use their imagination.
I don't feel safe just letting them go outside and run through the neighborhood.
How I wish they could have the carefree days I remember.
Although, maybe they will - just in a different way.


mintifresh said...

So true! Those were the days! We made up dances to Grease songs and Neil Diamond songs, too! Good stuff!

The Piquant Storyteller said...

Great post. I hate that kids don't just pop in on each other anymore to play. What is up with having to schedule play dates? Times are different now. Your post made me nostalgic.