Madi has always had huge tonsils.
When she was born they told me she would grow into them by the age of three - didn't happen. So they said we would play the watch and wait game.
When I knew we were moving to Australia for sure I took her to see a specialist back home to see if they would need to be taken out. He said that since she wasn't showing any major side effects we should hold off from doing surgery.
I guess snoring and them touching when she got sick weren't enough.
Now we have the side effects
the beginnings of sleep apnea
bad breath
pox marks that look horrible
one massive tonsil when she gets sick
Finally on Monday she will go in for surgery for the removal of these bad boys. They will stay in Australia and hopefully Madi will sleep better at night.
I have to admit I am getting nervous. Trying hard not to show it because Madi is nervous too.
The other kids have been sick this week - one with a cold and one with the flu and a fever. We are praying really hard that Madi doesn't get it. If she gets sick we have to reschedule and wait a few more months. She can't have the surgery if she is sick. Some extra prayers would be appreciated.
I hope all goes well and that there will be major improvements after. Good luck, Madi and parents! :) Too bad you can't be knocked out for it, too!
I hope she stays well also! I see lots of popsicles in your future (just not red ones) :-)Those look just like my boys. Isaac & Ben both had to have theirs out. I was VERY nervous but it was such a great thing I would definitely recommend it! Neither of my boys have had Strep or sleeping problems since. She will probably not feel well for a week but after that it is the best!!! Good luck and we will be praying for her!
Good luck with the surgery! The good news is she should bounce back quickly. (Savannah had surgery right before we went to AUS--sad to see her sick and drugged, but so much better in only a few hours! The trick is to not let them overdo it--they feel like they can do anything, not realizing they just had SURGERY!!)
I had my tonsils out when I was in Junior High. I remember my dog coming right up to my face to smell my really stinky breath the next day. Must have smelled pretty bad for the dog to notice. Ice chips, popsicles, and jello are definitely in Madi's future. Good luck. Its always scary, but she'll be fine. She's a tough one. We'll be praying for you.
Poor Madi, I hope the surgery goes well.
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