Monday, March 30, 2009


Saturday night was the night to observe earth hour. Madi informed me on Friday that we must turn off all the lights, tv, computer, etc for one hour to help the earth. I am all about helping the earth in anyway we can so we did just that. At 8:00 we turned off everything (except the flashlight in Madi's room, she is afraid of the dark). Then Kevin and I played my favorite game, Carcassone, by candlelight. It was actually quite fun and we spent much more than an hour playing games by candlelight. We may have to do that more often.

Did you remember earth hour? If not there is always next year!


Carli said...

I have to admit we were a bit slack this year and had one light on! But seeing those pics of the candles made me want to play games by candle light too.

sirpa said...

We did remember it, but were on our way home from my nieces b-day party. So our house was completely dark during that our :-D The fridge and the freezer were on though...