Thursday, February 11, 2010

We have had some very sad news in our extended family.
Two little, precious girls were returned to our Heavenly Father too soon.
While I have been going about my daily routine my heart has been full.
I have been holding my children tighter and taking extra time tucking them into bed at night.
I am grateful for the knowledge that I have in this Gospel.
A knowledge that tells me that this life isn't the end.
This life is only the beginning.
We can be together forever.
Do I know why bad things happen to good people? No!
I do know that we came to earth knowing that life wouldn't be easy.
I do know that we have to suffer the bad to appreciate the good things that happen to us.
I do know that if we keep the commandments and endure to the end we can have all we imagine and more.
I do know that these little precious girls were perfect.
They will be waiting for their family.
I wish I could go to the funeral on Saturday and pay my respects.
I wish that I could tell Brenda how my heart breaks for her and how I can only imagine what she is going through.
I will have to write her a letter and send it instead.
I have realized this week how life can change in the blink of an eye.
We may not understand it all, but we have to have faith in this great plan of our Heavenly Father's.
His love can help us through anything.
His arms can encircle us.
We can find peace and comfort through prayer and the Holy Ghost.
We are all His children and He loves us very much.
We can be together forever!


Janae said...

I was so heartbroken when I first read this story, and then to hear it was a relative of Kevin makes it even worse.

I have also been following this blog

You have to scroll down to about February 1st and start reading there.

I know that I have been praying for a lot of people these last few weeks and thanking Heavenly Father for my blessings.

AmyG said...

I have seen this on the news and it has made me so sad. We are truly blessed to know that families are forever. I will definitely give my kids an extra hug tonight.

Luvnbnamom said...

Oh my goodness I had no idea you guys were related to them! I never watch the news but read about this today on KSL. I was particulary moved by a comment made by the family that they wish no harm for the man that serviced their home, or for the pest control comapny. I thought to myself could they be so forgiving? What wonderful people they must be to have lost two precious little girls and yet show such Christ like love for a stranger that helped take away their babies. If you havent heard that song "If I only had today" By Hillary Weeks, you have got to google it and listen to it! Its incredible! After I read that article I was in the car listening to it and I totaly broke down thinking about that sweet family and how everything we have and know can be gone in an instant! I guess the importnant thing to remember is that we can be together forever and if we have faith in that, it can sustain us through any trial! I am so sorry for your families great loss and that you guys cant be there for the funeral! ((hugs))