Friday, February 5, 2010


I can't believe that it is already Friday - seriously where did my week go?
It has left me.
I know that I have been busy, but still don't feel like I have accomplished much.
(Although I did finally filled out all the paper work to get reimbursed for Madi's tonsil surgery six months ago, nice big chunk of change coming my way! )
We are getting back into the swing of things with school.
The kids found out which classes they had on Monday.
(They always have the kids go back to their old classes until they figure out the numbers they have at school, then put them into classes -
this still frustrates me a bit, but oh well what can you do!)
Anyway, Cooper was so sad on Monday because his two best friends are in class together.
He is in a different class.
He told me on Tuesday at dinner that he cried when he found out.
Real tears!
But now he is okay and it is fine!
He handled it so well and both Kevin and I were so proud of him!
Cooper needs a new raincoat and library bag - apparently he is growing up and is a bit embarrassed that Thomas is on both of them.
He still plays with Thomas at home - but is turning into a closet Thomas lover...hahaha!
It has been raining off and on all week long and is humid and muggy - yuck!

Rylee is doing fantastic at going toilet all by herself - and I mean all by herself.
Little Miss Independent!
My back is finally feeling better - at least for now.
I did Pilates this week for the first time in six months - now my stomach hurts..LOL!
I also rode my elliptical the other night - slow and steady.
It felt really good to exercise again!
Maybe I can get rid of the little tire growing around my waist line.
Now I should really plan my Sharing Time for Sunday!
Seriously where did my week go - I kind-of want it back so I can enjoy it!

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