Tuesday, December 2, 2008


...can you give your toddler some bowls, a cup, and a spoon to play with water outside at 4:00pm and a few hours later decorate the Christmas tree. Well, last night was the Monday after Thanksgiving, and at our house that means FHE of putting up our Christmas tree and listening to Oakridge Boys Christmas. I don't think that I could ever get used to living in the Southern hemisphere and having Christmas in summer time instead of winter - it really messes with your senses. The magic isn't all there for me to be honest - I need hot chocolate, a fire, some snow falling, you know the picture of Christmas - it helps that the kids are just as excited for Christmas whether in summer or winter. Lucky for us all of our Christmas shopping is done at this household!!! That makes me so happy - we can just enjoy the month of December and any surprises that may be in store for us!

Each year the kids get a new ornament to put on the tree - last year we found some Aussie ornaments on clearance. I love them - especially the snorkeling Santa.
kangaroo - Rylee, santa - Cooper, platypus - Madi
We always lay under the Christmas tree when it is all over and try to count the candy canes - I used to do this as a kid with my brothers and sisters with the lights off and the Christmas lights on. However, since we brought a pre-lit tree and it blows the fuse we have no lights on our Christmas tree again this year. Oh well! Here is our Santa waiting under the tree to inspect the pressies put under there before Christmas Eve.


Janae said...

I don't know Stace today was pretty nice! It was 60 out. Tomorrow we are going back to typical cold weather. I wonder when we will get snow....hmmmm maybe I shouldn't be wishing for that. It was good to see you!

mintifresh said...

Nothing says Christmas like Oakridge Boys Christmas! Oh, that and playing in the water outside! :) Seriously though, that album rocks!

Roxann said...

I PROMISE YOU - the time will come when you will be in the Northern Hemisphere at Christmastime and miss Christmas on the beach in Oz so much that your teeth hurt. You get over feeling dizzy with the swimsuit displays by the Christmas trees in the mall. Our favorite memory: lying on the beach on Christmas day, looking at each other and saying "Merry Christmas!" and then laughing with pure delight. We knew we were getting away with something! Enjoy every minute - the warm weather, the mangoes, and hanging out in your swimmers while you celebrate the joy of the season. Condolences on your grandpa's death. Glad you could get Thanksgiving in Utah with family - that's the best. Sending holiday cheer from our house in Draper to yours in Epping this Christmastime!

Suzi said...

Well I still feel exactly the same as you Stacy (after 13 Christmases here).
The colder the better for me! Rugging up, Christmas caroling, warm spicy drinks, frozen toes, snowmen, cosy chairs, woolly hats and a hot Christmas lunch.

I have however, managed to find an appreciation for Summer Christmas.
Cherries, stone fruit, the smell of ripe mangoes, water fights at 7am in the morning on the front lawn, driving around seeing all the houses with their overdone light displays and the whole family swimming in the pool.

sirpa said...

Well, if you think about it, cold weather has actually nothing to do with Christmas, does it? Where does it say that it was cold and snowing when Jesus was born? I'm actually pretty sure that it was NOT snowing....