Thursday, December 4, 2008


I had a very proud mommy moment yesterday. Madi was picked by her teacher to be the student of the week for all K-2. Her teacher had called me the day before to tell me that she was going to give Madi the award so we showed up to the assembly. Apparently Madi was wondering why we were there when she saw us in the back. Anyway, we waited until the very end - right before the National Anthem (I really should learn the words to this - I still think I should cross my heart or something). Madi was so surprised she said she didn't know, but then realized why we were there in the back. Her teacher said so many wonderful things about her. She is an excellent student and always goes above and beyond what she needs to do. That part I was glad to hear about, but the next bit made me tear up a bit. She went on to tell about what a good person Madi is. She has had to adjust to a new culture and a new "language" and she is such a nice person. She is always helping out those around her without even being asked to. Her teacher said that she just notices when someone needs something and helps out if she can. I have have always thought that part of what makes a good person, in my humble opinion, is a person who thinks of others. I have tried really hard to teach this to my children. I so want them to be good contributors to society and to be kind to those around them. Apparently something is sticking. So Madi gets to keep this little plaque for a week before she has to return it to school for the next student of the week.


Mari said...

well done, Madi!

Janae said...

Awh good for Madi!

Deb said...

Congrats to Madi! She is a cutie.