Monday, January 26, 2009


Happy Australia Day! We got up early this morning to go to the ward breakfast and were hoping to go to the beach today - but the weather didn't cooperate. Kev is taking the older kids to see the movie Bedtime Stories later today because they finally (three months later) finished their good choices chart. Apparently that chart is going to need to be altered a bit - it takes to long!

I kept telling the kids in Primary that I had to go to the breakfast because they were going to play cricket and I needed to learn how to play. I was just going to watch, but ended up batting. Such an interesting sport when you keep thinking about baseball and trying to apply the same rules. Like when you hit a foul ball and don't run - apparently there are no foul balls in cricket. I also kept wanting to hold the cricket bat more like a baseball bat. Nope you should hold it down and do a sweeping motion with it. I will definitely need more practice.

It is strange to think that this is our second Australia Day. Time really does fly. We have made some amazing friends and have learned and done so much. I know that this time in Australia will be remember forever with fondness!!! I was always told as a youth to surround myself with good people - I think that is true as an adult as well. We are lucky enough to meet some amazing people in Australia and are definitely surrounded by good friends!

This is my friend Lisha and her family! She loves taking pictures as much as I do - Lisha I thought of something to do on your one free day....we can take pictures!!!

This is Tim and Maryanne - Tim gets to deal with me for Primary as he is in the bishopric and does such a good job I might add!!!

This is Madi's friend Antoi. It is the only girl her age in church and they love to spend time together. It is too bad that she doesn't live down the street - but with ward boundaries as big as they are it is a bit farther than that. She went to her house for the afternoon.

So with Madi gone and lunch about to happen I think I may get some good scrapbook time in today - still wish we could have gone to the beach...


Lisha said...

Cool pictures Stacy. You might have to get someone to look after Rylee so I can double you on the motorbike and away we go taking photos!

Lisha said...

I also forgot to mention, thank you for your uplifting comments and what a cool Primary president from Utah playing cricket on Australia Day, definitely a historical moment.