Monday, October 22, 2007


... wasn't as bad as I thought. Last week Kev went grocery shopping with me and he put kangaroo steak in the cart. I wasn't really excited to try it, but we gave it a go last night. We aren't really sure if we cooked it right - we BBQ it on our new grill.

Verdict: 1 - no
3 - it was okay - still like cow better.
(I am sure you can guess who voted "no" - Coop, that's right he had a peanut butter sandwich.)

All in all it wasn't bad. I thought it tasted a bit like deer. I am still a white meat kind of gal, but now I can say I tried kangaroo and lived to tell about it!!

1 comment:

Travis said...

What part of the kangaroo was it, did it say? I've heard that some of the best meat around is kangaroo tail, because there is basically no fat in it, not bones to worry about. I bet it tastes better at a restaurant too, at least until you really learn how to cook it.