Thursday, October 18, 2007


Yesterday we headed to the doctor's office for the first time in Oz. It was an interesting experience. Not bad - just different (I seem to say that to myself a lot around here).

1. We called the day before right at closing and got an appointment for the next day for a check-up. This is unheard of in the states. You only get a next day appointment if you are sick and even then it is not always with your doctor. At least that has been my experience.
2. You are the doctor's only appointment at that time and he stays in the room.
3. The doctor doesn't seem rushed. Novel ideal. If you only book one appointment at a time you wouldn't feel rushed right?!
4. It was cheaper than an appointment back home.
1. Back home when you do a well child check for a baby they take weight and height measurements. Not here. Maybe they don't care about what is "normal" as long as your baby is developing and hitting milestones.
2. I now have to bill insurance myself.
3. There were no nurses. I felt bad for the doctor because he had to do her shots himself. Usually they like to have the nurses be the "bad guys".

Anyway, she had to get shots, which is never fun, but she seems healthy otherwise. The doctor had to "google" the immunization schedule in the states - he thinks it is pretty much the same here in Australia. By any means, she should get all of the shots she needs by the time we get back to the States. I forgot to take her yellow immunization card. I will have to remember that next time. Then when I get back home I will have record of what she has so that they will allow her in school and she won't have to do them all over again. She has been spitting up a bit (but so did my other kids. I think they inherited Kev's weird "Hutchinson stomach"). I forgot to ask about when you can put babies on solids, but I think it was around 5 months when I did the others so I guess that is as good a time as any.

Also, she has been wanting to sit up and tries really hard. Basically when she is laying down she just bends herself in half trying to sit up. It is funny. So when the baby saucer came we put her in it. She loves it. She likes to look around at everybody. She doesn't spend much time in it before she gets mad - I think it is still too much for her. The only downfall is this toy. It is a plastic large globe filled with little balls and a toy. You are supposed to spin it around and the little balls make noise. You know the type. Well, the kids love to spin it. First she does the "startled baby look", and then out comes a wail. I have to keep reminding them not to touch it. She doesn't mind doing it herself every once in a while, but she doesn't even spin it around so it makes hardly any noise. Madi keeps telling me that she is just trying to help Rylee have fun and that she doesn't know it makes her scared. Apparently she is not watching Rylee's face.


Travis said...

She's super cute! I joined LDSdigiscrap and the first post I saw said Stacy and I wondered if it was you...sure was, infact the first 3 were from/to you! Cool!
I have been busy downloading tons of stuff. There is so much to download wow! I think I am going to really like this. Now that I actually know how to use Photoshop it is really easy. I have a question for you, how do you organize all these download? Do you do folders for things like alphabets, ribbons, emblishments etc? I really like things to be neat and easy to find. I imagine you are similar. Let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks
Also where do you shop there? Is it similar to stores here? Is there any food you can't find there that you miss? What food is different or better?
what about clothing stores?
see ya

AmyG said...

That is so cute about lifting her head up to see. My Madisyn used to do that too. She started it at 3 months. Her head would follow me wherever I walked in the room so she could make sure where I was (funny, she is still like that). She is also my child that started sitting at 4 1/2 months.
I want to know your experience with billing insurance. Maybe that's why it is so much cheaper, because the middle man is eliminated.

Stacy said...

Amy- they have socialized medicine here. However, because we are not citizens we have to get private insurance. I am not really sure how it all works yet. I do know if you have Medicare (Aussie insurance) it is pretty much free.

Brandon and Julie said...

Rylee is so cute. I love the posts about her, she is growing so fast.