Sunday, November 18, 2007


... to the temple! It has only taken us almost four months to get there but we did make it. I got an email from Kev Worwood that said they were going to the temple that night and it made me realize how we had been slacking! So I talked with Stace and we decided to try and go in the next week or two.

Carmen (friend from church) was nice enough to volunteer to come and watch our kids while we went. So this was officially our second date with no kids since we have been in Australia!

They don't do sessions all day long so we had to make it before the last session at noon. We aimed to get there for the 11AM session but just missed, due to some bad driving on my part and trying to go a new way. When we hit the street that we needed to turn right on there was a sign that said, "NO RIGHT TURNS!" Go figure, since they are everywhere in this city! We ended up making the last session. Anyway we had a chance to check out the distribution center before going to the session.

1 comment:

Erik said...

Great site. Nice to see you are all doing well down under.
Look forward to hearing about more adventures from the land down under.

Go Utes!

Erik and Nykki Remley