Friday, October 3, 2008

Satan wants me to fall!

I just had the funniest conversation with Coop and I just have to share it.

(Kev) Ouch!
(Coop) Are you OK dad? What happened?
(K) I stepped on a dog.
(C) What dog?
(K) [Picking up a small toy dog so Coop could see it]
(C) Oh, that's Rylee's dog. She must have wanted you to step on it so she left it there before her and mommy left.
(K) Do you think that's why she did it?
(C) Yea, but I don't think she wanted you to fall. But Satan would have wanted you to fall. That would have made him really happy. Satan wants people to fall!
(K) [Picturing Satan and his little devils running around with banana peels in their hands - laughing] Why do you think that?
(C) I don't know I just thought it up in my brain.
(K) Did you hear it in primary?
(C) I don't remember.

Anyway, I went on to explain the two different meanings of the word fall, just for Cooper to look at me with a blank look on his face and say, "Oh." and walk away.


Brandon and Julie said...

That is so cute, he is such a great kid, and I loved that you totally pictured satan with banana peels

Stacy said...

I see you are accomplishing lots since I have been gone. Now you get to have all the interesting conversations with Coop