Thursday, October 16, 2008

You might be getting tired of these but...

I love hearing some of Cooper's ideas that all of a sudden just come out of thin air. And if I don't write them down I know I will forget them.

As were walking to Madi's school to pick her up today and as we were getting out of the car we had this conversation:

(C): Hey dad, do you know what would be really cool?
(K): What's that Coop?
(C): Wouldn't it be cool if me and mommy switched bedrooms?
(K): [Just started laughing]
(C): That way we could hang out all the time. But we would have to move the James off of my door [There is a big James train sticker on his door]. I don't think mommy would like that on her closet door.
(K): I don't know about that Coop, daddy has a hard time sleeping when mommy is not there.
(C): Think about it dad, I would never have to leave my room during rest time.
(K): What do you mean Coop?
(C): Well if I ever have to go the bathroom it would be right there. I wouldn't have to come out of my room to go to the toilet.
(K): I guess you will just have to ask mom.
(C): OK!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I love this site. I was part of the Smith family who recently visited and spoke at your ward. I left a post for you on the blog site concerning that night and the fireside.
great site.
Kim Smith

Kevin said...

Great to hear from you! You are welcome to come visit our blog anytime! Thank you!

The Piquant Storyteller said...

I love reading the cute things Cooper says.
Tristan Westover

Brandon and Julie said...

cooper is a funny little man

Mari said...

So, Stacy.... if Cooper has his way, you'll be in a different room when you get back home!

He's such a hoot!

Stacy said...

Tell him "I don't think so! I really like my bed and am not climbing up on his high bed!"

He is so funny - how I miss my little man!